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Summer Hotel Travel Advert

February Jump Clinic – FULLY BOOKED

@ 9am, 10am & 11am


For members and liveries 

A one-hour show jump session with a small group of similar-ability riders focusing on improving technique and confidence.

Either 9am (FULLY BOOKED – please check out the other dates available), 10am (teenagers and adults jump) & 11am (poles and small jumps)

9am – L6+, 10am L4-6, 11am ladies poles and/or jump

Would you like to feel confident jumping and take your riding to the next level?

Mills BHSII is an experienced rider, competing (British Eventing) regularly with her horse Kevin, who she produced herself alongside her mother Lucy (owner of Lavant Equestrian). She has been trained by top-class jumping trainers including Mark Phillips, Tony Newbury and Lucinda Green. She is passionate about improving riders’ confidence and technique so join her for this insightful clinic.

Bookings for this event can be done online below, or by calling the office on 01243 530460.